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Standesamt und Liegenschaftsamt derzeit nur eingeschränkt erreichbar. Alle Infos hier

The Corona pandemic is a burden on our lives. We must reduce the risk of infection by washing our hands, keeping our distance, wearing masks and airing rooms frequently. However, only vaccination can help against the disease in the long term.

Currently, there is not enough vaccine for everyone. That is why the government has set the order in which people are to be vaccinated. The order depends on how dangerous the disease can be for some people. Old people are vaccinated first. The younger people will then gradually follow.

Residents of the city of Schwabach can get vaccinated at the Schwabach Vaccination Centre. The vaccination is free of charge. Vaccination by the family doctor is not yet possible. You must be vaccinated twice for the vaccination to be effective.

You must make an appointment before the vaccination. Vaccination without an appointment is not possible.

Register on the website If you cannot do this, you can also register by telephone. The telephone number of the Schwabach vaccination centre is 09122/875410.

You will not be given an appointment when you register. As soon as you can be vaccinated, you will be sent an appointment. Please be patient. It can take several weeks until a vaccination appointment is available for you.

Please inform yourself about the vaccination beforehand. Under the following link you will find up-to-date information on vaccination and Covid 19 in various languages.

Important notice:

- To make the appointment for the vaccination, you must provide your name, address, telephone number and an e-mail address. We need this to be able to send you your appointment for the vaccination.

- People with certain diseases or professions will be vaccinated earlier. When making your appointment, you can communicate such details when they apply to you. Before the vaccination, you must be able to prove these circumstances through a confirmation from your doctor or your employer.

- Please bring your identity card or passport, your international certificates of vaccination and other medical documents, e.g. a heart passport, a diabetic card or lists of medications, with you to the vaccination.


The Schwabach vaccination centre is only accessible via stairs. If this is a problem for you, please contact us by telephone on 09122/875410 and we will find a solution.